Currently, we are accepting articles for the volumes scheduled to be published in 2024:
– Deadline: 28.02.2024 – Open topic
– Deadline: 20.05.2024 – Issue’s subject: Inclusion in education
– Deadline: 30.09.2024 – Issue’s subject: Disability studies
– Deadline: 30.09.2024 – Open topic
- We accept articles in both Polish and English.
- Please submit articles that have not been published previously.
- We accept:
- Research articles – structured as follows: introduction to the topic; methodology; research findings; implications;
- Overiew/ theoretical articles – structured as follows: introduction to the topic; current research findings/state of theoretical knowledge; interpretation; discussion/contentious issues; conclusions; implications;
- Methodological articles – description of pedagogical interventions grounded in the discipline of Pedagogy;
- Reviews and disputes;
- Students’ Research.
- The article should consist of:
- Polish title;
- English title;
- Abstract in Polish (200 words);
- Abstract in English;
- Key words in Polish;
- Key words in English;
- Article content;
- Literature.
- Submission of the article needs to consist of three following files::
- Article including author information (name, last name, affiliation, ORCID number);
- Article without author information;
- Filled out and signed scan of Author’s Form.
- Before submitting your article, please ensure that it meets the technical and editorial requirements outlined below. This is a prerequisite for sending the article to the volume’s editor and reviewers for peer-review.
- In the case of research articles, the Editorial Board reserves the right to request the reference number for the approval from the Scientific Research Ethics Committee.
- Every article is subject to two peer reviews.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor edits and abbreviations in the articles, without affecting their content.
- Two versions of the article and the author’s form need to be sent to the email address: or to the Secretary of the journal:
- We accept articles only in text file formats Word (doc, docx).
- Charts, tables, pictures, and illustrations need to be included in a text and sent as separate files (jpg, png).
- In articles, the following editorial guidelines must be considered:
- The main text is written in Times New Roman font, 12 pts, justified, with a line spacing of 1.5.
- The title is written in Times New Roman font, 14 pts, bold, uppercase, centered, with a line spacing of 1.5;
- Subtitles are written in Times New Roman font, 12 pts, bold, justified, with a line spacing of 1.5;
- Margins: 2,5 cm (up, down, left, right);
- Indented paragraphs;
- Pages should be numbered at the bottom of each page;
- The option of word hyphenation should be disabled;
- The text should not include hard spaces and manual line breaks.
- Please format quotes in italics within quotation marks.
- On the first page, please provide an abstract (up to 200 words) and the title in both Polish and English, along with keywords (4-7) in both Polish and English.
Please prepare footnotes and bibliography in APA 7 style – the template for APA 7 footnotes and bibliography. - Author’s notes, containing comments and additional information to the text, should be placed in footnotes and numbered consecutively.
- The images in the text should be numbered and include the source. Additionally, please provide consent for their publication in the journal.
- All publications referenced in the text should be included in the bibliography at the end of the article in alphabetical order, following the APA 7 guidelines.
- The submitted text should have 30,000 to 45,000 characters (about 15 pages).
- The review procedure in “Disability: Discourses of Special Education” complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The journal follows a double-blind review process.
- The Editorial Board of “Disability: Discourses of Special Education” accepts only original articles that do not infringe on the rights of third parties. Articles submitted to ‘Disability: Discourses of Special Education’ cannot be considered for publication elsewhere at the same time.
- The authors sign the Author’s Form regarding the issues applicable to them, scan it, and submit it alongside the article (downloadable file). Furthermore, to combat “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship,” the declaration includes a statement regarding each author’s contribution to the publication (including affiliation and contributions, such as who authored the concepts, hypotheses, methods, etc.), and for research articles, information regarding ethical principles in conducting research.
- Each submitted article undergoes a formal evaluation by the Editorial Board, which, when making a preliminary decision on acceptance or rejection of the text, considers the alignment of the topic with the general profile of the journal and compliance with the fundamental standards of a scientific article. Subsequently, the text undergoes anonymous review by two independent reviewers.
- The reviewers are not members of the editorial board and are not employed by the institution publishing the journal.
- Submitted articles will not be sent to reviewers from the same institution as the author’s affiliation, nor to individuals who may be in a conflict of interest with the author. Articles are reviewed confidentially and anonymously
- The reviewers consider the substantive content of the article, the novelty of the subject matter, the relevance of the content, and the conclusions for theory and pedagogical practice, and in the case of research projects, the methodological quality of the project.
- The written review includes justification of the evaluation and revision suggestions, as well as unambiguous conclusion of the reviewer regarding the conditions for accepting or rejecting the publication. Qualification criteria:
- alignment of the topic with the general profile of the journal;
- compliance with the scientific knowledge;
- clarity of presentation;
- uniqueness;
- research value.
- The author is informed about the review process’s result and can correspond with the editorial board about any remarks made by the reviewers.
- The final decision about publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the “Disability: Discourses of Special Education” journal.